Friday, 26 April 2013

What does a CEO wants?

What does a CEO want?

Read this to know why…
I recently went to a well known ice- cream parlor where my son wanted an ice-cream with an OREO topping .First I didn’t realized the reason why a simple cream biscuit would make a dessert add-on till I tasted and loved it. Now I exactly knew why the cute little girl in the TV commercial loves to dip it in milk and eat. But today when I saw OREO as coffee topping at one of the prominent coffee shop brands was just amazed on creative marketing and product positioning.
Wow, so OREO is something more than just a cream biscuit. No wonder I, my son and my mom we all love it and you thought cream biscuits are for kids .I would not be surprised if tomorrow we have OREO kheer being served at restaurants. Not a bad idea somebody should start it!!
OREO seems to be some multifaceted cookie...
Interestingly life at SME’s run in similar fashion. We have highly passionate CEO’s who have started organist ions from scratch and many times done all what it takes to run the show. Whether running for their first deal or fixing up the balance sheet and not to mention even receiving the customer complaints they have been hands on. Somebody so involved would not bother about the job role but one who can change hats and do multiple tasks is the man/woman he is looking for. An ideal fit would be an individual who understands the value and sticks to it throughout ,can be a good substitute whenever need arises and marketed well when business requires. Similar to our OREO which just gels so well with all those mouth watering flavours and still is a cream biscuit!!
Such employees eventually become integral part of the organization and the core team. What drives them is not the role or the job but that they living up the passion or value which they have created for themselves and organizations. Interestingly there vision is concurrent to organisations' growth and such individuals are highly self driven and stand out ,just like our favorite cookie.These employees are not bothered about their performance reviews and hikes but about whether they are taking the organization to height which they dreamt with the CEO.
Many times ideologies clash for not every employee is ready to take that owernership and neither is every CEO letting them unleash their true potential and then we just missed another employees’ company to roll out.
Whatsoever it might be every cookie is not an OREO and to be one you need to taste some!!


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Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Changing Face of Recruitment...

Recruitment might look simple to many but in real it’s never been a cake walk and the requirement urgency with talent deficiency makes it worse. This overall make the job of recruiter tough who anyways is dependent on somebody else’s talent and mind set. Over a decade as the face of HR has changed from a support function to a more business oriented one, so has the job changed on various dimensions. Observed below are certain trends in the hiring which are worth mentioning.
Growing economy has made hiring healthier and thus increased employment avenues. The continuous external competition only made sure that no stones were left unturned while head hunting for those demanding skill sets. The Hiring managers utilize all possible tool and techniques to attract and recruit talent. Retaining although is a different challenge altogether. Policies and procedures too have been evolved and made more employee centric thus engaging the employee.
Gradually Talent Acquisition has turned into subject matter expertise with a focus on recruitment methodology , tools and techniques. Organizations have dedicated recruitment teams to handle the mass hiring process on continuous basis. In past recruitment was more of an entry point to HR function leading to generalist but with due course it has evolved both in terms of maturity and scope. Many organizations are now hiring certified recruiters for the job, skilled enough to understand the dynamics of the profile.
Difference in projected hiring numbers and actual hiring number has compelled the hiring experts to maintain a passive talent pipeline through various sources. Ongoing recruitment drives for vanilla skills and maintaining a talent pool has become part of the strategy. Organizations have started acquiring talent hence in a way treating it as an important intellectual asset which further contributes in the growth.
And the buck didn’t stop here even the employees were encouraged and incentivized through lucrative employee referral schemes. For what can be better than age old tried and tested ‘word of the mouth’ technique. This not only helped hiring teams and motivated employees but also contributed towards employer branding!!!
With time, various metrics evolved around the specialized function like cost per hire, TAT, recruitment ratios etc which further defined the analytics of the subject.
Social media too has contributed towards this new avatar. Networking platforms like facebook, LinkedIn and other such forums and blogs have provided new avenues for finding the right fit and thus decreasing the dependency on job portals. In fact they are more fondly referred as ‘talent network’ and is an ideal place to exchange views and ideas too.
Technology has increases the accessibility for both candidates and a smart phone as much allows a candidate to apply a job in a much shorter span it also helps a recruiter to connect faster. Now a prospective candidate might really be just a click away.
Recruitment is ever changing and every day brings new trends so it’s important not to miss the right bus for you never know in which one the right candidate is travelling!!

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Future of Indian Workplace!!

‘A Virtual Assistant is required for start up based in Delhi’. Read the Ascent advertisement. 
‘Work from home based projects with an MNC’. Was posted on a popular job portal.

West had it long back and now Indian workplaces too are opening itself to the concept of Virtual Office. Though still in a primitive stage, but changing socio – economic factors will soon make Indian Industries adapt it as an extension of the mother office. 

This age being 3G age, its difficult to stay away from smart phones, PDA and other such savvy gadgets. Such being the environment, soon connectivity will not have any boundaries rather physical presence will become a limitation. Infact on the other hand organizations will have to strengthen there IT infrastructure in order to maintain such devices without compromising on security. A great cost saving strategy, virtual offices will provide great flexibility and independence to both employer and employee, hence a win-win. 

As a matter of fact, considering the ballooning pollution levels and carbon emissions, virtual working will lessen traveling in turn decreasing peak time traffics and helping us go green. Organizations too will have respite from keeping tracks on the timing and can focus on other employee motivating policies. Moreover, this can be a very handy tool in attracting female talent and therefore becoming a fair employer.  

Last but not least, this involves a great amount of honesty and integrity from the employee front and the Organizations have to be more creative and well equipped in maintaining such diversity. To cut it short, change is inevitable, sooner organizations adapt it better it is for all.


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